If Bjork were to ever have a sister I'm sure it would look a little something like "Dren". I would put money on it.The main catalyst in Vincenzo Natali's (The Cube) feature Splice, starring Adrien Brody and Dawn Of The Dead's Sarah Polly.

The premise goes a little something like this. Two young scientists (Brody and Polley) achieve fame by splicing human DNA with the DNA of different animals to create a new creature[2]. In the process they ignore their society's ethical and legal boundaries. The scientists name their creature "Dren", which is initially a deformed female infant, however, rapidly develops into a beautiful but deadly winged human-chimera. David Cronenberg is creaming in his manties this very moment as we speak. I am sure Richard D. James of Aphex Twin music would go incredibly well with this sort of picture. Make a hell of a video and a nice change from us looking at his mug all the bloody damn time.
Body Horror is nothing new but with the advances of stem cell research this is a nightmare that is probably right around the corner. What's more exciting about this film is that this could actually happen if not already, somewhere in a lab in a military base somewhere. As for those pervs into interspecies erotica, this may be up your street and down your block. The film will make it's way to the UK by new year 2010

This could easily turn into a franchise if the reviews are good enough and with both main leads stellar actors, this is sure to be a great film. Still I give her props for walking on her hands, no small feat by any means. This does cross my mind as Bjork or her sibling being a man eating creature. The resemblance is uncanny. Come to think of it she has been quiet lately. Uh oh.

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