Monday, 9 November 2009

Slutty Cinematic Moments: Take One

There are moments in movies that just forever burn into our stream of consciousness that for some reason or another just refuse to go away. Galaxy Of Terror was a film I saw when I was just a plucky kid, whom re-inacted the films most famous scene during recess to the kids of the playground. Made in 1981 and cause of great debate over the most famous scene that was later cut from some copies of the film. Leave it to spoil sports to ruin all the fun, Fun Sponge your table is ready. Any how, Taaffe O'Connell big moment was originally planed to be devoured by the large worm. Can you imagine the feign and shock when she was told that she would be getting some "pow chicca boom boom", from Willy The Worm. I believe that this is a role that Megan Fox will be playing in about ten years time. Especially if she keeps running her yap with the most bullshit Foxisms ever known to man. Popbitch, did an expose on Ms. Fox's whom the production team Of The Transformers franchise dubbed her, "Dumb as a rock" against Avril "My music is shit" Lavigne's "stupid as a box of hair". Sadly the box of hair won the sweepstakes on levels of stupidity.

What's amazing is that there is a website paying homage to the opus that has been long out of print. Seriously I am not kidding. So I scour bargain bins and car-boot sales looking for the mother load that is this movie. Still Mrs O'Conners's screams are oscar worthy, and any one whom can make you want to coil in fear then reach for the box of tissue soon afterwards, is my kinda gal. Staring Erin Moran or Happy Days fame, and Robert Englund and Sid Haig, this is a must-have for movie perv. Come to think of it I have had a few dates that ended the same way. And to quote Lydia Lunch, it doesn't mater whom you fuck or what you fuck, as long as you're fucking something, Taaffe might want to raise the bar a little higher in the sex partnerdepartment if you know what I am saying. I mean jesus the worm didn't even buy her dinner, how rude.

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