So there I was watching Nightmare on Elm Street, when I was confronted with the biggest queen on screen since I saw Butt Slammers Vol. 8 The Ass Master Strikes Back. Oh Jesse You need to pull that stick out of your ass and put a nice fat cock up it instead, and let the boogie man take you away. Give in to the dark side Jesse. Hear it calling Jesse? You'll be on your knees in no time. Watching this film I forgot how gay the main character really was. Not that I have anything against gay people. I mean whom else are fat girls going to dance with at a high school prom. You can actually play a drinking game every time Jesse does something slightly gay, rejects the advances of a girl or even queens out with that gay shrill scream. Bitch Please. Then your left with a new game. The first friend to pass out, is the game. Drunk Guy Jinga. Genious, and hours of fun, that it will make you call in sick the next day. But if you wake up with memory loss and a sore ass, it's your own damn fault for getting caught up in the Metrosexual eighties closet.

I thought to myself, this movie was gayer than Lord Of The Rings, and that's pretty fucking gay. Phallic symbolisms every where, so read between the lines bitch. I was expecting Jesse to whip out Freddy's prok sword and call him daddy. Now that would have been entertainment. I mean That Freddy Krueger has got a bee in his bonnet and litterally wants to park his nails into lil ol' Jesse's face or ass. Take your pick. Gay groups might take offence to Freddy's Revenge, but I think he's just trying to help our little guy out of the closet. A metaphor that speaks volumes. He's here, he's queer, and wants to suck cock! Deal with it. Everyone goes through their experimental phase, even monsters.

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